CHESTER will be a lap-dancing-free zone from next Thursday.

It was revealed yesterday evening that an application to renew the sexual entertainment venue (SEV) licence for the Platinum Lounge on Bridge Street Rows has been refused.

A day-long hearing took place at Cheshire West and Chester Council on July 7 and members of the licensing committee have just published their decision.

It was deemed that the location of the business, on the historic Rows and close to residential properties, was inappropriate for a strip club. The news has been met with delight by campaigners, who argued that sex venues had no place in the city.

Debbie Lomas, of the Rainforest shop on Watergate Street, told the Leader last night: “This was the right decision for Chester. I’m delighted.”

She said she felt no satisfaction that the lap-dancers would soon be out of work, but maintained the application refusal was the best outcome for everyone.

Dancers had given evidence at the hearing, with one saying the job had given her the confidence and money to take a college course with a view to starting a career in the gaming industry.

Mrs Lomas said: “I want them to know a good kind of empowerment, not the distorted kind that the sex industry has shown them.”

An application to renew the licence had been rejected by a full committee in September 2013 – but a judicial review found the council had bungled its decision-making procedures. The refusal was overturned and the sub-committee then granted the licence.

It is not yet known if the applicant, Bridgerow Ltd, will seek another judicial review.