A SIGNIFICANT safety milestone at the Stanlow oil refinery has seen a £3,000 donation made to The Alzheimer’s Society.

The award recognises the recent achievement of reaching one million hours without a recordable injury at Essar's Ellesmere Port site.

The funds were raised through Essar’s ‘Let’s Give’ scheme, which links the company’s commitment to safety directly with charitable giving.

Employees and business partners nominate a chosen charity as safety milestones are met.

Alzheimer's Society is the UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia and those who care for them. The charity runs quality care services, funds research and provides advice for improved health and social care. The charity also promotes greater public understanding and awareness of dementia for the 850,000 people living with the condition in the UK today.

David Ellis, employed by Essar business partner, Sarens UK Ltd, said: “I would like to thank Essar for their generous donation. I know first-hand how challenging living with dementia can be as my mother lived with vascular dementia before passing away a few years ago. It was a difficult time for all of us and the disease has so many unanswered questions still.

“The money will go to a very worthy charity to help research and support those in need of help. I am very proud to be part of a safety team initiative that can provide financial support to such a worthwhile cause.”

Linzi Stewart, community fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society in Cheshire, said: "In Cheshire and across the UK, people affected by dementia have been hit hard by the Coronavirus pandemic. From the high death rate in care homes, to the significant cognitive decline for people who live in the community, to the rising mental health challenges for unpaid carers, the pandemic has had a severe impact, while exposing our fragmented social care system for all to see.

"People affected by dementia and their families need us now more than ever."

To receive advice and information call the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456.