STUDENTS at Neston High School have been praised for their "positive attitude and strong character" after securing outstanding A-level results.

The school said the majority of pupils obtained places at their first-choice universities or preferred pathway.

This year, following the cancellation of the standard exam format, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades based against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards.

Its top achieving students were:

  • Jake Jones with 4 A* grades in Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Spanish
  • Marco Monti, Tom Price, Alice Goldstraw and Emma Fewtrell who all achieved three A* grades in their three A Level subjects.
  • Alicia Boccara, James McCannon and Noah Szabo made the most progress in their courses all achieving A or A* grades.

Head of sixth form Amanda Lacey said: “We are extremely proud of every one of our students, especially after the challenges that they have faced this year.

"I look forward to hearing of their future successes and achievements and wish them the very best in everything they do. It has been a pleasure to know this group of students."

Headteacher Keith Simpson added: "Once more we are immensely proud of all of our students, who have shown incredible tenacity and resilience to maintain true focus on their aspirations and dreams through such a complex and disrupted time.

"Their positive attitude and strong character has allowed them to attain outcomes that will now spring them forward into the next part of the learning journey.

"The incredible holistic support offered to our young people by all my colleagues both academically, pastorally and generally must be recognised and I thank them for all their dedication.

"Finally, the partnerships between home and school is a strength of this community, and we thank parents/carers and families who have supported their children.

"We wish all students every success in their future and look forward to celebrating further achievements in the future."