YOUNG carers from across Cheshire jumped at the chance to enjoy a much-deserved day out thanks to funding from Redrow.

Cheshire Young Carers received £1,500 from Redrow to help facilitate a programme of school holiday respite activities and trips for young carers aged six to 18.

Activities are chosen by the young carers themselves, with a trampolining session, meal at a restaurant of their choice, cinema visit and free time to shop and develop new friendships, just some of the experiences funded by Redrow.

The aim of the holiday programme is to help improve young carers’ health and wellbeing and to reduce the negative effects of their caring responsibilities.

Alan Jones, deputy operations manager at Cheshire Young Carers, explained: “The holiday programme is a direct result of young carers expressing a real need for respite support during school holiday periods due to feeling 'trapped' and lonely caused by their caring responsibilities. The impact of social isolation, and the loneliness which it generates, is now more potent than ever due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Social isolation can lead to an increase in complex feelings, anxiety, loneliness, depression, self-harm, panic attacks, difficult relationships with food and an increase in suicidal thoughts.

"With the support of staff and volunteers, providing fun activities both face to face and digitally via Zoom means young carers can remain an active part of a community with real identity. It also gives them the chance to see their friends and catch up on how everyone is. This has a massive positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing as in some cases staff and volunteers can often be the only social outlet for young carers.”

The young carers are encouraged to suggest and plan activities tailored to their age group and supported by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers.

One of the young carers said: “Trips like the day in Cheshire Oaks are a luxury to me. I know it sounds crazy, but to get a day to myself to enjoy a meal out, see friends, relax to watch a film and just be silly trampolining with other young carers is absolutely amazing.”

Another added: “It was just what I needed. I haven’t seen a lot of my friends over the last 18 months, so it was just nice to have time away from stressful home life and mix with them again, with adults I know. My family really appreciate the support we get from Cheshire Young Carers.”

Redrow area sales manager Amanda Hollins said: “Young carers take on an enormous amount of responsibility within the home throughout the year.

"We were so pleased to support Cheshire Young Carers’ holiday programme to help give the young people a well-deserved break from their caring roles. It was great to see so many smiling faces when they visited Cheshire Oaks and the Coliseum. A shopping trip, cinema visit, trampolining and a meal in a restaurant are activities many young people take for granted but for young carers it’s a real treat.”

Redrow’s support for Cheshire Young Carers is via a voluntary £10,000 community fund linked to new homes being built at Ledsham Garden Village and The Pastures, Backford Cross. The fund has been shared between 10 good causes locally.

Ledsham Garden Village is a scheme of circa 2,000 homes set amid 100 acres of open space, with Redrow having committed to investing £13 million to support the growth of the neighbourhood.

The Pastures is a 100-home development that will also see almost £250,000 invested in local education, healthcare amenities and towards sports pitches in the area.