A BREAST cancer survivor from Deeside is one of six people to have scooped over £265,000 thanks to the People's Postcode Lottery.

70-year-old Sue Lunt is one of 684 People’s Postcode Lottery players in Deeside’s CH5 2 postcode sector winning a share of £3.2 million.

When her cheque was revealed to her, grandmother-of-four and former care worker Sue exclaimed: “Flippin’ heck! Never in my wildest imagination did I think I’d ever end up with this sort of money. I can’t describe how I feel. This just doesn’t happen to people like me, but it has!”

CH5 2 was announced as January’s Postcode Millions winner on Friday, January 28.

Sue, her next-door neighbour Colin Phoenix, and four other people won £266,666 each, the biggest share of the £3.2 million prize, thanks to playing with the full winning postcode – CH5 2PB.

Chester and District Standard:

PIC: Sue Lunt and neighbour Colin Phoenix with their cheques for £266,666. PIC: Darren Casey/PPL.

Sue was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 but is now in remission after chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and a drug trial. She wrote a book chronicling her experience to raise money for a cancer support unit at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.

Having lived at the postcode for 51 years, Sue didn’t believe it at first when she got a phone call from Postcode Lottery asking to visit.

She said: “I thought I’d dreamt it all. I’m just ecstatic to get the knock on my door.”

A transatlantic flight to visit family is now on the cards for Sue thanks to the windfall.

She said: “My daughter lives in America in Georgia with my son-in-law and my two grandchildren so it’ll pay for my plane ticket to go and visit them. And I’ll visit my son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren in Wrexham. I’ll be doing a lot of visiting!

"It feels good because it’s not just one person winning, it’s being shared among the community. The neighbours are supportive and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else."

70-year-old Colin Phoenix, who has lived next door to Sue for 11 years, was another big winner also scooping £266,666.

The retired finance worker said: “Oh my God! That’s massive! Oh blimey. You just dream don't you, but you don't think this is ever going to happen to you.”

Colin and wife Barbara, who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year, are delighted that the win will mean they can help out their family.

Chester and District Standard:

PIC: Colin Phoenix and wife Barbara. PIC: Darren Casey/PPL

Barbara said: “We’re going to share it with our two kids and five grandkids, it’ll help make their lives more comfortable.”

The four other people who also won £266,666 chose to remain anonymous.

Prize amounts for the other players in the winning sector ranged from £2,130 to £6,390 depending on the number of tickets played with.

People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Matt Johnson said: “Next door neighbours winning together is what People’s Postcode Lottery is all about and it was an absolute pleasure to deliver some good news to Sue and Colin today.

“I’ve loved hearing their plans for their winnings and I’m sure there will be lots of celebrations going on in CH5 2 weekend!”

People’s Postcode Lottery costs £10 a month to play and there are guaranteed winners every day. People play with their chosen postcode and are automatically entered into all draws.

A minimum of 33% from each ticket goes to charity and players have raised more than £850 million for over 9,000 charities and good causes since 2005.

Lots of local charities have benefitted from funding raised by players including Improving Refurbs Flintshire.