THE family of a young mum who was murdered by her estranged husband are planning to travel across the UK as part of a campaign to curb killers' parental rights.

Jade Ward, a 27-year-old mum-of-four, was killed at her home on Chevrons Road on the night of August 25, 2021.

Russell Marsh, from Shotton, was found guilty of the crime earlier this year and received a life sentence.

Despite Marsh's conviction, he is still entitled to ask for school reports, receive updates and have a say in his children’s upbringing while serving his sentence in prison.

READ MOREJade's Law - Family visits parliament in plea to curb killers' parental rights

But Jade's Law, a petition launched to call for the automatic suspension of parental responsibility (PR) rights of any parent found guilty of murdering the other parent, has gained more than 120,000 signatures.

The campaign received widespread support when Jade's family and friends visited Parliament last week.

And now, ahead of Jade's birthday on Wednesday, the family has revealed plans to travel to other areas to gain more support and raise awareness - under the banner of "Team Jade"

Jade's mum Karen Robinson said: "Parliament went amazingly well. A lot of people we spoke to thought there was already a law in place for such a thing.

"Team Jade started when we went to Chester - we're planning to go to a lot of different places and spread the petition as far as we can.

"We still need as many signatures as we can get."

Chester and District Standard: Paul Ward and Karen Robinson, Edwin Duggan, Jade's sister Pip and her partner Liam, Jade's friends Taylor, Flossy and Emily and Jade's Aunt Angela, with Mark Tami MP during the group's visit to Parliament. Image provided by Edwin DugganPaul Ward and Karen Robinson, Edwin Duggan, Jade's sister Pip and her partner Liam, Jade's friends Taylor, Flossy and Emily and Jade's Aunt Angela, with Mark Tami MP during the group's visit to Parliament. Image provided by Edwin Duggan

Speaking of the week to come, she added: "Jade's birthday is on Wednesday, June 22.

"Things are still exactly the same; it's total devastation.

"I am dreading it."

Edwin Duggan, a law graduate and a close friend of Jade's family, launched the petition.

He said: "I am setting up trips to Edinburgh in the next two or three weeks, then to Manchester, Birmingham, Cardiff - anywhere there are plenty of people to hand flyers out to and continue campaigning.

"Even through we have passed 100,000 signatures, which suggests it will be taken to debate, the more signatures we have, the more weight the argument has.

READ MORE: Police urge abuse victims to reach out after Russell Marsh jailed

"I am confident it will go to debate and when it does, I'll be sitting on that committee when the time comes."

Mr Duggan said the support from the public so far has been "wonderful" but he urged people to keep spreading the petition and signing up.

Paul Ward, Jade's dad, said he will be taking part in the "tour" to raise awareness.

He also urged anyone who has concerns about domestic abuse to seek help, adding: "If things look strange, or someone you know doesn't feel like they usually are, speak to someone.

"If I was suspicious of something, I'd have no problem calling the police - because we just don't know what happens behind closed doors."

To see the petition and to sign up, click here.