A DRUG dealer is to be sentenced at Chester Crown Court next month.

William Parsons, 23, of Marsh Lane, Ince, pleaded guilty at the first opportunity at Chester Magistrates Court on Friday, September 16 to the charge of possession with intent to supply cannabis.

Prosecuting, Alan Currums said the case was aggravated by the defendant's previous drug-related convictions, including two of possession with intent to supply cannabis in 2017, and possession of cannabis in 2018.

He said it was on Friday, August 28, 2020 when police stopped Parsons in a Ford Mondeo as part of a vehicle stop-check in Elton.

A number of items were found on the defendant, including two phones which, when analysed, were found to be graft phones which sent out flare messages involving the distribution of cannabis.

It was determined that the user of such devices was involved in the supply of the class B drug.

Parsons was arrested and made a broadly 'no comment' interview.

Mr Currums concluded Parsons played a "lesser role" in the supply of cannabis.

Defending, Adam Antoszkiw said Parsons had made a prompt guilty plea.

His previous convictions included those committed as a youth.

A pre-sentence report was requested as it had been some time since the offence was committed and a report would highlight the "significant" progress Parsons had made in turning his life around.

Parsons will be sentenced at Chester Crown Court on October 14.