A CHRISTMAS card competition has been won by residents and staff at an Ellesmere Port care home.

Aaron Court Care Home, on Princes Road, was named winner of the Hill Care Group run contest, which saw six care homes across the North West take part.

The winning design involved residents using their fingerprints to create baubles for several painted Christmas trees – alongside the slogan “Christmas… a time to remember”.

The inspiration from the design came from residents, who agreed Christmas was a time of reflection and time spent with family.

Each resident picked a colour for their fingerprint bauble and pressed them into paper for the home’s activities coordinator, Julie Lloyd, to cut out and mount in residents’ chosen location on the trees.

Jean Price, 89, said: “I really like the message our card is sending and the fact that our fingerprints are on it.”

Julie said: “Everyone really enjoyed having their input in this activity and it was truly a joint effort from everyone involved.”

The design will now be used on the Hill Care Group’s Christmas fayre banners and posters and distributed as an electronic card to healthcare professionals and community contacts.

Vicky Taylor, divisional director for the Hill Care Group, was one of the judges for the competition. She said: “I was delighted to announce Aaron Court Care Home as the winner of our Christmas competition.

“They did a great job including the residents’ fingerprints on the card as Christmas baubles on the tree. It was a really personal touch to the entry. Well done to everyone at the home.”