By Sam Dixon

MP for Chester

IT HAS been full steam ahead since my election as the Member of Parliament for the City of Chester last December.

I want to say thank you to everyone who put their trust in me to serve the people of Chester. Whether you voted for me or not, I will be an MP that serves all the people across my constituency.

I got straight down to business after I was officially sworn in as a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons on 5 December. I attended a meeting with the Rail Minister to put forward a case for a return to direct train services from Chester to London, I wrote to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for stronger protections to support the city centre Rows, and I voted against the Government’s anti-strike bill.

In the background, I have been busy setting up my offices in Chester and Westminster and I am pleased to say I have now recruited for all the positions. The team and I have been working hard through all the emails that have come in since the election. We have already helped hundreds of residents and continue to respond to everyone as soon as possible.

I have been holding regular surgery appointments with residents over the phone, online and face-to-face. If you would like to arrange an appointment or want to raise a matter with me, you can submit a request form on my website. If you would rather call the office you can do so on 01244 343 229.

I know from speaking to residents across Chester that the cost-of-living crisis is at the forefront of many people’s minds. Rising mortgage and rent prices, high fuel costs and extortionate energy bills are crippling households across Chester.

All this comes at a time when we see oil and gas giants making eye-watering amounts of profits and energy companies breaking into people’s homes to install prepayment meters.

To provide help to anyone in Chester who is struggling with their living costs, I have created a cost-of-living support page on my website with a list of organisations that offer free and practical support on everyday expenses.

It is the privilege of my life to have been elec