A MAN seen running around naked in Chester city centre before thrusting his hips has been fined.

Edward Lewkowicz, 36, of Camelon Road, Falkirk, pleaded guilty at the first opportunity to the offence of 'public nuisance – indecent exposure' when he appeared at Chester Magistrates Court on Monday, February 20.

The court heard there was a long-standing warrant for motoring matters from the time the defendant was living in Rugby, offences he had previously admitted by post.

They were that he had driven a Volkswagen at 70mph in a 50mph zone, had contravened a 'keep left' sign, and was driving that vehicle without a licence or insurance on November 30, 2020, on the A4071 in Rugby.

Prosecuting, Alan Currums said for the more recent matter, which was "straightforward if not pleasant", Lewkowicz had been seen on CCTV in Chester city centre, near Craft & Co. on Watergate Street, having removed his clothes and was running around at about 3.25am on Saturday, February 18.

He was also "thrusting his hips".

By the time police had been alerted and were arriving at the scene, Lewkowicz had started putting his clothes back on.

Stuart Flood, defending, said the offences in 2020 were when the defendant was living in Rugby with his former partner, before he changed address.

The "more recent and embarrassing" offence occurred as Lewkowicz had come down from Scotland to meet some old Army friends in Chester for drinks.

Mr Flood added: "Thankfully, at 3am, hopefully there weren't too many people about.

"He holds his head in shame."

District Judge Jack McGarva said he did not believe the exposure was anything other than "drunken stupid behaviour" and fined Lewkowicz £120 for the public nuisance.

The defendant must also pay £120 for having no insurance, £120 court costs, £40 for speeding, £34 as a victim surcharge, and was also handed a total of six penalty points.