A NURSE from Little Neston has teamed up with SAS star Melvyn Downes to raise funds and provide veterinary aid to animals affected by the Turkey earthquake.

Hannah Sharp, 36, is an emergency surgical registered nurse and has been nursing for 18 years.

She came across a video Paddy McGuinness shared on his Instagram of a black labrador sleeping in a suitcase amongst all of the rubble following the tragic events of the Turkey/Syria earthquake, shot by SAS star Melvyn Downes.

Melvyn, who joined the elite special forces in 1994, went to Turkey when the earthquake struck and helped the community.

During his 12 years in the SAS, Melvyn has led top-secret missions, served behind enemy lines and achieved the prestigious rank of Warrant Officer.

Speaking to the Globe, Hannah said: "I saw the video and just thought how terribly sad it all was and it really got me.

"He told me the dog was being looked after by families who had survived and was sleeping in that suitcase.

"I thought about what could I do to raise aid and what kind of things could I get."

Hannah got in contact with Melvyn and they decided to team up to drive a lorry or two full of veterinary aid over to Turkey to help all of the animals in need.

She added: "Providing we can get animals medical certificates and the government ok it over there, we will also be able to bring some animals back with us and to treat the most needed.

"It might be a couple of journeys or it might be just one, but I know anything will help." 

Over the past week, Hannah has been travelling around the North West making collections from veterinary practices and hospitals for various items such as dressing, disposable gloves, sterile gloves, eyewash, wash proof tape, scissors, tweezers and alcohalcohol-freeol free wipes.

Hannah has set up a GoFund Me page, which you can visit here.

Her and Melvyn plan to travel to Turkey in the coming weeks.