CHESHIRE West and Chester Council are planning to boost the borough's spring cleaning this year by targetting littering and fly-tipping locations.

The Council’s StreetCare teams work hard all year round to keep the borough looking good but this spring will see them using digital anti-littering signage and eye-catching stickers in hot spot fly-tipping areas.

Litter picking toolkits are available and the Council’s Your Streets team supports events taking place with community volunteers such as supporting the Great British Spring Clean later this week. Volunteers across the borough play a significant part in helping to keep the borough clean.

The Council is also trialling the use of signage on streets in the borough, asking residents not to park on a particular side of the road on a set date, so effective street sweeping can take place without obstructions.

Digital signage is being used across the borough, particularly at the roadside, encouraging people to ‘give their litter a lift’ and take it home with them. Teams have seen an increase in litter thrown from vehicles on the borough’s roads.

Large stickers on bins in hot spot locations, showing staring eyes and ‘crime scene’ tape, will let would-be fly-tippers know they are being watched and could end up with a substantial fine. The Council also recently released CCTV footage of a fly-tipper via social media, asking for help to identify the offender.

The Great British Spring Clean, arranged by national charity Keep Britain Tidy will take place from March 17 to April 2. They are asking individuals, groups or schools to pledge to collect one bag of litter – or more - on their website.

This year the campaign will focus on the pride #litterheroes have for their local community.

The Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said: "Our teams are testing innovative ways to spread anti-littering and fly-tipping messages to reduce these issues in our borough.

"Keep Britain Tidy’s new research* has revealed that more than 8.5 million adults in the UK have done litter picking at least once in the last six months.

"Litter-picking is a simple activity that can really make a quick and visible difference where you live. Our teams work hard every day and are doing all they can to keep the borough clean and looking beautiful, but we really value the contribution of volunteers during the Great British Spring Clean as well as through the rest of the year. Thank you to everyone who plays their part the borough."

If you would like to litter pick in your area, contact the Council’s Your Streets team to use one of their litter-picking toolkit, including grabbers, gloves and bags. Rakes, spades and other useful tools are also available for hire and you can just request bags too if you already have a litter picker, via email: