RESIDENTS in Ellesmere Port are to be polled on proposals for a hydrogen village trial.

Plans by gas network provider Cadent, following a Government competition, look to trial a change in domestic heating from natural gas to hydrogen, starting in 2025. Electric heating alternatives will also be available, alongside support for energy efficiency measures.

Whitby in Ellesmere Port is being considered as the UK's first hydrogen village, under proposals put forward to Government by gas distribution network Cadent. The other potential site being considered is Redcar in the North East, where the gas network is NGN.

The Ellesmere Port area was identified as the most suitable in Cheshire West based on a range of factors including technical feasibility, proximity to hydrogen production and strategic fit with the Government's Hydrogen plans.

Cadent say on their website: "This exciting programme will demonstrate how the rest of the UK can become more environmentally-friendly when it comes to heating and cooking with gas."

The plans have raised concerns among many Whitby residents, who say they do not have freedom of choice to opt out of the trial and remain on natural gas if the plans go ahead.

Fears have also been raised over the safety of using hydrogen fuel and the potential cost of future energy bills using hydrogen fuel, although Cadent say the conversion of the properties would be free and the hydrogen gas supplied would not cost more than natural gas for the first two years.

Residents also fear if the trial is unsuccessful, it would have a knock-on effect on their house prices.

Residents were also critical over a lack of consultation – a matter which was not helped by the council being restricted on communications during an unexpected 'purdah' pre-election period in November 2022, in the run-up to the City of Chester by-election.

Since then, the council has written to all potentially affected residents about the proposal, while public meetings have been held earlier this year for residents to be consulted. This included hundreds of residents attending a lively public meeting at Ellesmere Port Civic Hall on February 28, hosted by Cheshire West and Chester Council.

In a written statement to the meeting, the Government committed that: “Strong community engagement and support is vital for the success of a project like this. That is why evidence of substantial local support, validated by an independent external source such as a local council, is one of our key assessment criteria in selecting a location. We will not go ahead with a trial in an area where there is not strong local support.”

To test whether that level of local support exists for the trial, CWaC has announced it will be polling residents over the summer, with the results being sent to the Government.

CWaC says the process will need to be non-statutory and non-binding on Government, but will meet best practice in transparency and integrity. In response to requests made at the public event, the process, including the question to be asked, will be subject to consultation with residents.

Cllr Louise Gittins, leader of the council, said: “We have heard residents loud and clear in their request to clearly and transparently establish the degree of local support for the Hydrogen Village proposal. The results of the poll will be fed back to Government before a decision is made later this year. While it cannot be legally binding, we expect the Government to respect the outcome."

In Mid/late May, there will be the publication of a consultation document on the procedures for the vote. In June, there will be feedback results from consultation on the format of the poll.

The vote will be conducted in July, with postal returns by a specified date, and counting of the results. The outcome of the poll will be announced in Augusts, with feedback going to residents and the Government.

A Government decision expected on whether the trial will proceed is expected to be made in the autumn. CWaC has said it has no say in whether the trial goes ahead.

Cadent’s engineers are understood to be continuing to provide house-by-house assessments and advice, and residents are encouraged to visit the Hydrogen Experience Centre on McGarva Way.

A new online resource is being established by the council to share FAQs and further information about how residents’ views will be collected and provided to the Government, with further details of this to be announced.