TWO women from Cheshire have been jailed after breaching Criminal Behaviour Orders.

Lauren Wilson and Nicola Gregory were each given a four-week custodial sentence after entering areas of Macclesfield which they were banned from under the terms of a CBO.

Wilson, 26, of no fixed abode in Macclesfield, was handed a three-year CBO on Wednesday 19 April.

She was forbidden from entering Macclesfield town centre, as well as Tesco Superstore on Hibel Road, Co-op on Hurdsfield Road, and McColls on Hurdsfield Green.

On Thursday, June 22, Wilson was seen in the town centre area by officers and was arrested.

She was sentenced at Chester Magistrates’ Court on Friday, June 23.

Gregory, 46, of Hurdsfield Road, Macclesfield, was given a two-year CBO on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, banning her from entering Macclesfield town centre.

On Thursday, June 29, she was arrested after breaching the order.

She was sentenced at Chester Magistrates’ Court on Friday, June 30.

Both women will still be subject to their CBOs upon their release from prison.

Following the sentencings, Sergeant Matthew Bassirat said: “Wilson and Gregory are prolific offenders who have caused a real problem for the town.

“Despite CBOs being put in place with a number of strict conditions, both breached their orders.

“I hope these sentences provide reassurance to residents and businesses in the area and helps deter their behaviour in the future.”