A CHESHIRE family are making a heartfelt plea to ‘help save the life of our brother, partner and friend’ who could be taken too soon.

A fundraising event as well as a just giving page have been organised by the people closest to Dylan Bearns, from Widnes, who received the devastating news that he has 18 months to live after doctors found an aggressive form of brain tumour.

Symptoms that something was not right arose after Dylan had come back from a holiday and found he was struggling to speak, read and walk.

Just days after his 39th birthday, he received the dreaded news that he had a Grade 4 Astrocytoma, considered the ‘cancer of all cancers’.

On May 15, Dylan went in for treatment to remove the tumour but due to its aggressive nature was told it was only a matter of time before it started to grow back.

Dylan’s friend, Emma Redfern spoke of the reasons for the fundraising and how she and all closest to him want to help as much as possible.

“Dyl is about to start chemo and radiotherapy which is only aimed at killing as much of the cancer as possible and giving him as much time as they can.

“We have recently been made aware of groundbreaking treatment in Germany which is claimed to be a "Silver Bullet" for brain cancer.

“The trouble is that it's a very expensive bullet costing in the region of 60,000€. We are trying to raise enough money to get him there, have the treatment and hopefully go on to live the life he was supposed to live,” she said.

Chester and District Standard: Dylan and his partner Hayley RedfernDylan and his partner Hayley Redfern (Image: Supplied)

The fundraising event will be hosted at Clock Face Recreational Club in St Helens on Sunday, July 30.

It will feature a fundraiser football match, live music performances, a bouncy castle, face painting and fresh food served up by Lily’s Victorian Tea Rooms.

The family set up a just giving page with a goal of raising £53,000. So far the grand total reached is more than £9,000.

“Everyone who knows Dyl knows that he deserves the chance to fight this and hopefully with the help of everyone around him he can beat it,” Emma added.

“Please give whatever you can to help save the life of our brother, partner and friend. All donations big or small will help give him the biggest and best chance of survival.”