A PENSIONER has been jailed for 12 years for historic child sex offences dating back four decades.

Anthony Hall is expected to be at least 90 when he is freed for abusing a girl and boy in the 1980s.

The 82-year-old, who has a previous similar conviction, denied the allegations but was convicted of seven offences of indecent assault after a trial at Liverpool Crown Court.

Jailing Hall, of Springfield Avenue, Malpas, Judge Andrew Menary, KC, the Recorder of Liverpool, said that the offences involved a very young boy and girl, both under the age of seven.

At the time Hall was living with his mother in Malpas having been released from an 18--month jail term for indecently assaulting a girl.

The children's young minds had been “corrupted” by him and it had impacted on their relationships with partners and family, the court heard.

He said the impact on the male victim had been “particularly severe and grave and he is a troubled man haunted by demons from the past”.

The offences showed the hidden dark side of Hall’s character, said Judge Menary, adding: “You had and may still harbour a very unhealthy interest in children.”

Judge Menary ruled he is an offender of particular concern and imposed an extra year on licence. Hall, who will have to serve two thirds of the custodial term, was ordered to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Philip Clemo, defending, said that Hall is severely dyslexic but had worked hard as a mechanic. He is now in poor health with COPD, mobility and sight problems. He had undergone cataract surgery and was awaiting further laser treatment in a few weeks time but this will now not happen.

He has lived in his home for 40 years and if and when he is released he will have to find new accommodation which will be difficult for him, the court heard.