It has been confirmed that a toll bridge in Cheshire will increase from 12p to £1.

The announcement regarding Warburton Bridge comes as the result of a lengthy battle between activists, residents, councillors and development company Peel.

It was noted in the governmental decision notice that the relevant Secretary of State had received 313 objections to the proposal to increase the toll from 12p to £1.

One of the arguments made was that the increase in toll was above the level of inflation, and that applying an inflationary measure would see the toll increase to 20p.

The decision notice reads: "The inspector acknowledges that residents are reliant on the undertaking for many reasons and any increase to the toll charge will cause considerable financial pressure.

"He also acknowledges the impact on businesses that require frequent access across the bridge.

"That said, the current toll has been in place for more than 20 years at a very low rate, at odds with other private bridge tolls."

It also states that some discounts will be applied to the following postcodes: WA3 6, WA13 9 and M31 4.

Chester and District Standard: The toll will increase massively from 12p to £1 now the Government has approved the proposal from developer PeelThe toll will increase massively from 12p to £1 now the Government has approved the proposal from developer Peel (Image: Newsquest)

John McGoldrick from National Alliance Against Tolls said at a public enquiry: "I am particularly concerned that the company is being given enforcement powers similar to those in use on the Mersey Gateway.

"The situation there is that there is one penalty issued for every 22 crossings where a toll payment was required.

"This is a terrible system which causes a nuisance to many drivers and can end up with people being pestered by bailiffs and having their cars seized.

'The letter announcing the government's decision says that the government wants 'a consistent approach across road charging schemes and other tolled bridges,' indicating that the intention is that the powers may be granted to other toll operators.

"This is bad enough, but it comes on the heels of the Prime Minister suggesting that he was going to end the war on drivers, not ramp it up. I hope that all drivers will make their views on this known to MPs."

Councillor for Lymm, Graham Gowland, said: "It's positive in that Peel now have no excuse not to properly maintain their asset - a bridge they've sadly allowed to become dilapidated.

"The rise in tolls, and the potential for excessive fines concerns many residents however, and this aspect is very disappointing.

"The owners of the Manchester Ship Canal need to consider their responsibilities as custodians of a major north west asset, and not just consider further increasing their already huge returns."

A member of the Warburton Toll Bridge Action Group said: "I am deeply disappointed and angry with the decision to allow Peel to charge such a ridiculous price and have a free hand in the future.

"They obviously don't care about the workers who have to use the bridge daily. They are the ones who will suffer the most.

"The only slightly decent thing we managed to get is they have agreed to cap the charge to two crossings per day,  and certain nearby postcodes will be half price."

Chester and District Standard: The toll will be at a discounted price for neighbouring postcodesThe toll will be at a discounted price for neighbouring postcodes (Image: Newsquest)

Andy Openshaw, a concerned resident, said: "The announcement that the request by the Manchester Ship Canal Company/Peel has been granted is both disappointing and will be expensive for users of the Warburton Toll Bridge.

"While there are limited controls on the sale of this new entity, there does not appear to be any recourse should the entity fail (e.g. through bankruptcy) or if the undertaking (the roads and bridges) are not maintained - a valid concern given the state of most of the Ship Canal crossings.

"The order as granted does not specify a given charging mechanism or seek to demonstrate any value for money for end users retain the ridiculous and excessive obligations on users of Warburton Bridge that don't apply to other Ship Canal Crossings."

A spokesperson for Peel Ports said: "The acceptance of our application by the Secretary of State means we can now begin to carry out much-needed improvement works to modernise and update the Rixton and Warburton Bridge.

"The works will tackle congestion and, most importantly, they will bring about improved conditions for all road users in the area.

“As previously signalled, the works will necessitate an increase in the toll charged to use the Bridge – a toll which has been in place for many years at a very low rate, at odds with other, similar bridge tolls.

"There will be no toll charges in place during the period of improvement works, and there will be a discount scheme in place for local residents once the works are complete.

“Our focus now is on continuing to work with the relevant local authorities, and the communities in Warrington and Trafford, to minimise the impact of the works on all road users.

"We look forward to carrying out the improvement works, which will ultimately provide a more seamless transition across the Manchester Ship Canal.”