The New Chester Market has won a top national award declaring it the best new market in the country.

NABMA, the National Association of British Market Authorities, has recognised the new market in its annual achievement awards.

NABMA has been the national voice of markets for over 100 years and made the award at its annual conference in Harrogate. Judges hailed the approach taken by Cheshire West and Chester Council in its commitment to developing the new Chester Market which opened less than a year ago in November 2022 as part of the Northgate phase one development.

The association said, for Chester Market: "This is a special award as the judging panel considered that in each category one markets service stood out in terms of management, achievement, investment, and innovation.

"NABMA has closely followed the planning and the journey of a historic and loved city centre market, steeped in history, to a vibrant and exciting new facility. The planning, build and transition were complex involving extensive consultation events to inform a new market vision and manifesto.

"The highest standards were set for traders, event organisers and staff to deliver the best market possible. The vision driving the new market was to be a ‘modern traditional market’ with sustainability, creativity, and inclusivity.

'Shining example'

"Since November 2022, over a million visitors have experienced this new market that is at the heart of its city. Its brand has been designed to be distinctive, memorable, and exuberant; inspired by local heritage.

"This market sets the highest standards for the city and the markets industry itself. It has a committed and professional markets team seeking to deliver the very best outcomes and successes.

"The work has not stopped with other exciting investment planned by this local authority for other local markets."

David Preston, Chief Executive of NABMA said: “The NABMA Awards are a celebration of the best and brightest in the market business. The new Chester Market is a shining example of the dedication and innovation that is making a real difference to the lives of its customers, employees and traders.”

Councillor Nathan Pardoe, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Regeneration and Digital Transformation, said: “The success of Chester Market is made possible by its fantastic traders and the commitment of the Council to deliver its vision for Chester Northgate.

“Congratulations to the Chester Market team, this award is very well deserved and recognises all their hard work and strong partnership with the traders. The team have established what is now acknowledged as the country’s benchmark for city centre markets.”

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