A CHESTER schoolboy diagnosed with leukaemia days after being sent home with a ‘sickness bug’ has been recognised with a special national award. 

Benedict Waters, known as Benny, aged eight, was just six years old when he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), a type of blood cancer, in September 2022.

Now, for the courage he has shown throughout his treatment, Benny has received a Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People Star Award, in partnership with TK Maxx.

Benny had just started back at school after the summer holidays when his mum, Anna, received a phone call to say he had been sick.

A week later, when he was still not himself, Benny’s dad Richard, took him to see their GP explaining that they “just knew something was wrong.”

Initial examinations didn’t reveal anything of concern, so Benny was referred to The Countess of Chester Hospital for tests.

A few days later the family were given the devastating news that it was cancer.

The Waters family.

The Waters family.

Benny was transferred to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool where he started intensive treatment immediately.

Anna, 42, nominated Benny for the award. She said: “He was so up and down we just knew something was wrong.

"One day he had a temperature, then the next he’d be back at school and at a party. Then the day after that, he’d not be able to get off the sofa again.

Benny with sister Ida.

Benny with sister Ida.

"I remember coming back from a run one morning and looking at him and thinking his skin didn’t look the right colour, it’s hard to explain, almost like his blood wasn’t working properly.

“After he was diagnosed, it all happened so fast. He started treatment the next day.

"But I can’t tell you how amazing he’s been with it all. He knew more about it than us to begin with because he watches Operation Ouch on CBBC. He’s just cracked on with things and been amazing.

Benny after chemotherapy.

Benny after chemotherapy.

"On the days he feels okay during treatment he’s worked really hard with his schoolwork, so he doesn’t get behind.”

The mortgage adviser, also mum to five-year-old Ida, continued: “He’s lost his hair twice during chemo and it’s been a constant level of anxiety for us because getting a normal childhood infection can be very dangerous for him due to his immunity being so low.

"But he’s just getting on with it, he’s a very chilled out and resilient child. He’ll have chemo in the day and ask to go to Beavers that night.”

For the past 12 months the family’s world has been turned upside down with long stays in hospital and trips back and forth for chemotherapy and blood transfusions.

Benny, who turned eight last month, now takes daily chemotherapy tablets at home and attends Alder Hey Children’s Hospital once a month for intravenous chemotherapy.

Benedict Waters, known as Benny.

Benedict Waters, known as Benny.

Thanks to major advances in treatment, led by Cancer Research UK scientists, more than nine in 10 children in the UK with ALL, like Benny, now survive this type of cancer for at least five years.

Benny is set to ring the bell to signal the end of his treatment in October 2024 – a moment the entire family are eagerly awaiting.

Anna added: “Your first thought goes to a fear of what is going to happen, and you think the worst. But then when you’re told that thanks to research the prognosis is actually really good, you switch to thinking ‘we can get there, we can do this’.

"Now we’ve got less than a year to go, it feels like the end is in sight”.

In the North West around 190 children are diagnosed with cancer every year but research is helping to save more lives.

Alder Hey Children’s Hospital is one of the many centres across the UK taking part in groundbreaking clinical trials coordinated by Cancer Research UK’s Children's Cancer Trials Team. These trials make innovative new treatments available to children with cancer across the North West.

The charity is working to discover new ways to treat the disease, so all children and young people can live longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer. And thanks to some of its breakthroughs, children’s cancer survival in the UK has more than doubled since the 1970s.

But The Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People Star Awards, and stories like Benny’s, shine a light on the unique challenges still faced by children like him.

The awards are backed by a host of famous faces including celebrity chef Jean-Christophe Novelli, TV personality Dr Ranj and children’s TV favourite Mister Maker.

Mister Maker.

Mister Maker.

Calling for more nominations, children’s TV presenter, Phil Gallagher from Mister Maker, said: “The strength these young people show when faced with a cancer diagnosis is remarkable, and that’s why I’m supporting the Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People Star Awards again this year.

"Their courage and resilience needs to be honoured, and the Star Awards are such a lovely way of doing that and showing them how special they are.” 

There is no judging panel because the charity believes every child diagnosed with cancer deserves special recognition. Everyone nominated receives a trophy, a £50 TK Maxx gift card, a T-shirt and a certificate signed by the celebrities. Their siblings also receive a certificate.

The awards are open to all children under 18 who live in the UK and have been treated for the disease within the past five years.

Cancer Research UK spokesperson for the North West, Jemma Humphreys, said: “Benny is a real star who has been through so much at such a young age. It has been an absolute privilege to be able to celebrate his courage with a Star Award.

“Cancer in children and young people is different to cancer in adults, from the types of cancer to the impact of treatment - and many youngsters may experience serious long-term side effects. That’s why we’re supporting dedicated research to ensure more children and young people survive cancer with a good quality of life.

“We’re urging people in Cheshire to nominate inspirational children like Benny for a Star Award now, so that many more affected by this devastating disease can receive the acknowledgement they so richly deserve.”

The Star Awards are run in partnership with TK Maxx, the biggest corporate supporter of Cancer Research UK’s work into children’s and young people’s cancers. Since 2004, the retailer has raised more than £44 million for vital research to help improve survival.

To nominate a star, visit cruk.org/starawards