A husband and wife who have lost over 11 stone between themselves after joining a Chester slimming group have been crowned 'Mr Sleek' and 'Miss Slinky'.

James Reynolds, 24, was inspired to start shedding weight after he collapsed on Father's Day in 2022 and was taken to hospital. Taking the event as a wake-up call, he has since lost a remarkable 7st 2lbs over the following 17 months.

Meanwhile wife Hollie, 26, had always resigned herself to being a 'big girl', but is now able to keep up after their daughter after losing 4.5 stone.

The couple, from Wrexham, have now been named 'Mr Sleek' and 'Miss Slinky' 2023 at the Chester City Slimming World group which meets at St Thomas' Church Hall in Parkgate Road each Saturday.

James, who has dropped from a size XXL to S/M having lost 11 inches from his waist, reached his target weight just before Christmas.


James Reynolds has shed 7st 2lbs.

James Reynolds has shed 7st 2lbs.


He explained: “Being voted by the members of the group is really great because it’s thanks to them and their support – and our consultant Tracy – that we have stayed committed to losing weight.

"As a man, joining a slimming group is quite a nerve-wracking decision, yet I can honestly say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

"Like most men I thought slimming clubs were for women and expected to be eating nothing but salad. But the minute I walked through the door I realised that nothing could have been further from the truth. We were both made very welcome.

"There’s a real mix of people – men and women of all ages – and we have a great time, we even take our young daughter as children are welcome!

"Plus with Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan no foods are banned. Instead, I’ve learned how to cook healthier versions of my favourite meals like tacos and curries and every week we share new recipes and handy tips and always learn something new.

“We joined SW initially because I collapsed on Father’s Day in 2022. I was taken to hospital for tests which all came back normal but when I was discharged I said to Hollie that it was time to do something.

"I found Tracy’s group online; we’d never been to a weight loss group before so I rang Tracy to find out all about it beforehand which put our minds at ease. We both work in Chester so Tracy’s group was the obvious choice.

"We turned up on the Saturday and have never looked back. That day changed our lives for the better. We learned that we can still enjoy our favourite foods, we just cook them differently, more healthily and if there’s a special occasion we can enjoy it guilt free and get straight back on plan.”

Hollie has dropped from a size 22/24 to 12/14. She said: “I haven’t been this weight since I was in primary school. It’s unbelievable what Slimming World has done for us!


Hollie was named Miss Slinky after losing 4.5 stone.

Hollie was named 'Miss Slinky' after losing 4.5 stone.


"Now our daughter is running around, we can keep up with her. I feel so much healthier and I feel grateful that our journey is also inspiring others around us to become healthier too.

"My journey isn’t finished yet, 2024 is going to be my year! Now I’ve won the title of Miss Slinky I have more to celebrate and I know this festive season and beyond will be extra special.”

Hollie wanted to support James to be around for their little girl as she grows up. “I hadn’t realised how big I’d got but as soon as we started food optimising the weight just started to drop off, it was amazing!

"We always stay to group because it’s been the most supportive place from day one, everyone celebrates your achievements which is so heart-warming but even better is that when you’ve not had such a great week everyone always offers support and advice which has helped me so much on my own journey.”

James added: “The group is definitely judgment free, I feel completely safe and if I ever feel down the group is always there to listen and support you and I love listening to how everyone else’s week has gone, we’re all there for each other. None of this would have been possible if it weren’t for Tracy and we are eternally grateful."

Consultant Tracy Mason said: “A lot of members have told me they often dread going out because they feel uncomfortable or out of place at parties, which is so sad. This year I know James and Hollie will have felt completely different and will go into 2024 with a new zest for life. They definitely live up to their new titles of Mr Sleek and Miss Slinky in my eyes."

James added: “When I started attending Slimming World for the first time I never thought 17 months later I would have lost over 7 stone, reached three targets and all in such a relatively short timeframe! I would say to anyone nervous about joining, just do it, you’ll never look back. I’m so proud of Hollie too, for doing this to help me and turning her own life around in the process!


James was named Mr Sleek at the annual Slimming World competition.

James was named 'Mr Sleek' at the annual Slimming World competition.


"What is so incredible is that we both feel healthier, happier and fitter and feel confident of keeping this weight off for good. And once Hollie has reached her target weight we are going to look into becoming consultants ourselves!”

Tracy added: “As well as running the group James and Hollie attend in Chester, I also run groups in Helsby on a Wednesday all day and I’m so excited to be opening a new Friday morning group from Friday, January 5 at Upton British Legion on Heath Road. I feel so privileged to have played a part in James and Hollie’s journey and transformation. They have come so far and their determination and motivation has remained the same all the way through.”