A NEW plan mapping out where housing and other developments can be built across Chester and Cheshire West could be drawn up.

Cheshire West and Chester Council’s cabinet will be asked to consider preparing a Local Plan under the new national system for plan-making.

Councillors on the authority's cabinet will meet on Wednesday (January 10).

A new national system to produce Local Plans is being introduced by Government as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act.

Local authorities have the option to submit a Local Plan under the old system before 2025 or begin work on a Local Plan under the new system.

This Act requires the council to prepare a single Local Plan that sets out policies in relation to the amount, type and location of, and timetable for, development in Cheshire West and Chester.

The Government states that the Act intends to create simpler and shorter plans that are quicker to produce. The Government will publish additional guidance and legislation in the coming months that will set out in more detail how the new system will work. 

The Council adopted the Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies in 2015 and the Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies in 2019.

In April 2022, Cabinet agreed to commit to an update of the Local Plan Strategic Policies.

Cabinet will now discuss how to progress this considering the imminent Government reforms, changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, population and household statistics from the Office for National Statistics that impact housing needs not being released until 2025, and the current uncertain impacts of the Government’s decision to cancel HS2.

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A Local Plan shapes how land is used and how places will change and develop in the future.

It ensures that future development takes place using a planned approach across the Borough and takes into account the needs of local people in terms of housing and infrastructure.

A Plan is informed using the Council’s ambitions for sustainability, net zero targets, inclusive economic growth and to meet housing need. 

Councillor Christine Warner, Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities, said: “The coming changes to legislation in how Local Plans should be produced, along with other factors such as the need to fully understand housing needs, means that the Council needs to reconsider its approach in updating our Local Plan. 

“A Local Plan is crucial for the Borough, as it provides a framework for future development and means that any new housing and infrastructure meets the needs of our current and future residents and helps us to build strong communities.

"We are very keen to hear from residents across all our communities as the new Local Plan is developed over the coming years, so that people can be involved in shaping the future of where they live. We will provide more information on how people can get involved as things progress.” 

More information on the current Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies and the Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies, which the Council adopted in 2015 and 2019, is available on the Council website:
