A CHESTER man elbowed a woman in the face after a long-running neighbourly parking dispute, knocking her to the floor, a court has heard.

David Groome, 59, of Wervin Road, Wervin, was found guilty of assault by beating after a trial and was sentenced at Chester Magistrates Court.

Nicole Parr, prosecuting, said the victim was outside gardening when Groome approached her, he used foul language towards her before he elbowed her to the left cheek causing her to fall.

While she was on the floor, he punched her before she managed to get away.

An impact statement was read out on behalf of the victim by Ms Parr, saying she had suffered “sleepless nights” since the incident.

“Immediately after the assault I was in a lot of pain to the side of the head from when I was thrown against the wall”, she said.

“Afterwards I didn’t want to go out, and see my friends, I didn’t want to see anyone.

“I have lost confidence and lived in constant fear, feeling unsafe outside of my home.”

Chris Hunt, defending Groome, said the incident was the culmination of a long-running parking dispute between the victim and Groome’s partner, the victim’s next door neighbour.

Mr Hunt said: “This parking dispute led to the escalation of what took place in March. This is an escalation of a civil dispute.

“His long-term partner lives next door to the complainant.

“Mr Groome is philosophical after trial, everyone just wants to draw a line under this.

“It seems to have been a one-off in a charged atmosphere which has dissipated since.”

District Judge John McGarva read a pre-sentence report produced by the probation service about Groome and said: “It’s been found that you elbowed the victim to the face, knocking her to the ground.”

He sentenced Groome to a 12 month community order under which he will have to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

Groome will also pay £250 in compensation to the victim, £400 in court costs, and a £114 victim surcharge.

A restraining order was also placed on Groome preventing him from having any contact with the victim for two years.