The Salvation Army in Chester has launched a new programme to allow the local community to connect and build relationships as well as escape the winter weather and recent cold snap.

The church and community centre on St Anne Street, Chester, is opening its doors and offering a space for people to come together, connect and build friendships.

The new initiative also launches at a welcome time as temperatures plummet and members of the community struggling with the cost of living can escape the cold and rising energy bills to see themselves through the Arctic blast that is sweeping Cheshire.

Let’s Connect is open every Thursday from noon–2pm and people attending can enjoy free hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and soup.

Church leader at The Salvation Army in Chester, Gay Tonks said: “Let’s Connect is a way for members of the community that want to get out and explore to make new friendships in a safe space with like minded people. Times are tough for everyone at the moment, in many ways and this provides light relief to escape pressures of every day life.

“With the cold weather upon us, and set to last, we are also seeing local people struggling to make ends meet, people who never thought they would find themselves in the position of choosing whether to heat their homes or continue to put food on the table.

"It’s a choice that no one should have to face and when the temperatures suddenly drop, that decision becomes all the more frightening. This service is also there to combat these worries and allow people to escape the cold.

“We are offering a space for people to come and be warm and relax while also enjoying a hot cuppa, a bite to eat and a listening ear if they wish. For us, it's about providing a friendly, warm and welcoming space at the coldest of times whilst also connecting with the local community.”

The Salvation Army in Chester also offers a weekly activity for parents and toddlers, Tots & Co, on a Wednesday from 9.30-11am, where children five and under can connect with others and play and adults can enjoy light refreshments and build local relationships.