A TATTOO parlour in Chester is set to become a hair salon after plans were given the go ahead.

Cheshire West and Chester Council planners have given the green light to change the use of the unit on Brook Street in the city centre.

There had been concerns raised about the number of similar establishments within the area, and a possible increase in noise from the premises but planning officers feel any worries can be dealt with by way of conditions placed on the opening hours.

The planning officer’s report states: “The application proposes the change of use from Sui Generis (tattoo studio) to a hair salon which would fall under Class E.

“Within the Chester town centre, the provision of Class E uses being supported would therefore demonstrate that the application is in line with local policy.

“It is considered that a change to Class E could potentially involve a use which might create far greater levels of noise than a tattoo studio. Due to this, a condition will be attached to limit the hours within which the business could operate in the interest of protecting local amenity.”

The report adds: “It is noted that the application proposes no physical changes to the property. This therefore means that there would be no visual amenity impacts from the proposed development.

“The concerns over the number of hairdressers and/or barbers along Brook Street have been noted. This, however, is not a material consideration in the planning process and is therefore not something which can be assessed as a part of this application.”

Council planners have granted the change of use subject to conditions which include a restriction The hours of operation of the business hereby approved shall be limited to 8am to 11pm hours on Monday to Saturday, and 9am to 10pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.