A TRAVELLING exhibition encouraging young people with a passion for climate change to consider a career in civil engineering has made its way to Cheshire.

Created by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the 'time is running out – help us engineer a net zero world' exhibition is an educational experience, and is targeted towards families, young people.

The exhibition at Jodrell Bank Centre for Engagement, focuses on the future of infrastructure and the role of civil engineering in helping society respond to the challenges of climate change and the need to meet net zero targets in the UK by 2050.

Covering a wide range of global problems, the exhibition features three pods with built-in interactive screens that feature short videos of TV presenter and engineer, Rob Bell.

In the videos, Rob asks six children questions around ending waste, the impact of transport, energy sources, the value of water, smarter cities and living with flooding. The videos are designed to make viewers think about how civil engineering can solve these problems.

Emma Antrobus, ICE North West regional director, said: “Civil engineering is a profession where people can make a big impact on the world around us – from creating green spaces to designing cycle lanes and building renewable energy facilities.

“Our exhibition highlights how engineers can help us live better lives and encourages the younger generation to think about how they can make a difference. Climate change and engineering are intertwined very closely, so we need people who are climate champions to join the profession. It is this passion that we are looking to develop and foster.”

Commenting on the exhibition’s arrival at Jodrell Bank, Director of Jodrell Bank Centre for Engagement, Professor Teresa Anderson, said: “Welcoming such an impactful exhibition that not only engages young people but adults alike, is central to what we represent at Jodrell and The University of Manchester. We believe it will not only help to raise awareness but will spark conversations around global sustainability and how civil engineering is tackling those problems head on.”

The exhibition is on now and will be at Jodrell Bank Centre for Engagement until July 7 and is free to visit with an entry ticket to Jodrell Bank.