The University of Chester has featured in the findings of a new report which shows how universities are key to social and economic change.

This report, launched by the Purpose Coalition in collaboration with its university partners including Chester, shows that universities are powerhouses of opportunity, extending their impact beyond education.

The report shares the positive impact the University of Chester has created, as well as sharing details on their careers and employability programmes.

It also emphasised the part the University plays in promoting economic growth in the Cheshire region.

In addition, the report also references the University of Chester's Levelling Up Impact Report from last year, in partnership with the Purpose Coalition.

The University of Chester features in How Universities are Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity.  (Image: University of Chester)

The report discussed how the University, as part of its Citizen Student strategy, encourages young people from all backgrounds to consider higher education.

The Purpose Coalition's publication highlights how universities foster individual growth and drive economies.

As major employers, universities contribute to their communities and economies through job creation and spending.

The report used case studies to demonstrate these 'opportunity footprints' and called for policymakers to recognise the broader economic and social contributions of these institutions.

Professor Eunice Simmons, vice-chancellor of the University of Chester, said: "We are really pleased to work with the Purpose Coalition and its partners to promote equality for all to reach their potential.

"I’m proud to see the work carried out by colleagues to improve opportunities for our students and our region shared in this report."

Former education secretary and chair of the purpose coalition, Rt Hon Justine Greening, said: "Universities are engines of entrepreneurship as well as social mobility.

"Without the skilled talent that universities produce our private and public sectors would simply be unable to drive the growth Britain needs."

She added: "It’s time for a longer-term shared plan between higher education, policymakers and business to ensure we ‘max’ out the university opportunity footprint for the benefit of our whole country."

The full report can be accessed at