A REVERED therapist who has analysed the feet of celebrities, royals, and sold thousands of books on Amazon, is set to share her techniques at a special workshop in Chester.

Jane Sheehan, the UK’s leading foot reader and an Amazon best selling author, has been teaching her skills to reflexologists and other therapists for 20 years. This additional skill is adopted by holistic therapists who say it helps them to work with clients at a new level of understanding.

As well as therapists, Jane sees many individuals attending her classes in order to develop a deeper self-awareness and make changes and improvements in their own well-being.

Her 'readings' have included the stars of reality TV shows like Love Island, the Kardashians and even, in the run up to their wedding, she analysed the feet of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for the Daily Mail.

It is said that foot reading reveals personality strengths and weaknesses, and highlights hidden potential and undervalued talents.

Previous students have commented:

“I'm absolutely thrilled by all the information I've got today and I have learned a thing or two about myself.”

“The workshop was just amazing and so inspirational.”

“Your passion and love for what you do just shines through.”

“I am still feeling blown away by the whole weekend experience and am well and truly hooked on Foot Reading.”

“You have made me feel things that I'm still trying to comprehend... the foot reading is absolutely amazing.”

Jane comments: “We are all used to changing our facial expressions and hiding our true feelings, but we can’t do that with our feet – they tell the truth.  Simply by analysing the shapes of feet and toes, we can tell an awful lot about a person.  Anyone coming to my workshops will not only learn something of use to their clients, but also learn about themselves via their feet.

“They love hearing the anecdotes I use to illustrate the points and they love applying the knowledge to their own life story and often during the classes there are moments where you can see the students moved to delight when they realise that the blemish I’m interpreting also relates to a long term client of theirs and gives them an insight that will help progress their treatment.”

Jane makes regular TV appearances (ITV’s This Morning, The Afternoon Show on RTE in Ireland, Sama TV in Dubai, Inside San Diego and Fox in the Morning in California and Channel 9 in Australia).  She is also the author of several books: the Amazon best-seller ‘Let’s Read Our Feet!’ is now on its second edition and is also available as a portable guide; ‘The Foot Reading Coach’ explains how foot reading can be used as a tool for self improvement for everyone and her most recent book, ‘Sole Trader – The Holistic Therapy Business Handbook’, is based on her own experiences in setting up her successful international business.

Jane’s workshops form part of her regular international seminar series, where she has taught her skills across Europe, the USA, United Arab Emirates, Ireland and Australia. 

The Chester workshop will take place on August 10 and 11 at Sunshine Holistic Therapies, Pipers Lane, Hoole. Tickets are available from: footreading.com.