A NEW play which is set to lift the lid on the lives of actors 'behind the scenes' has been informed by a 20-year friendship.

Curtains is staged by theatre company Against The Grain and written by Stuart Evans and Mark Newman, two local actors who first worked together more than 20 years ago at the Chester Gateway Theatre.

It will premiere at St Mary’s Creative Space in Chester from Monday 1 to Wednesday 3 and Friday 5, July at 7.30pm. The play will be directed by Marian Newman.

Curtains marks the first script writing collaboration between Stuart and Mark who first worked together in a production of classic John Godber comedy Bouncers at the Gateway.

The cast of 'Curtains' (top) Stuart Evans, Mark Newman, Thomas Parry, Fiona Wheatcroft (bottom) Ray Bengree, Laura Smith, Craig Woodcock and Malclom Gledhill.The cast of 'Curtains' (top) Stuart Evans, Mark Newman, Thomas Parry, Fiona Wheatcroft (bottom) Ray Bengree, Laura Smith, Craig Woodcock and Malclom Gledhill. (Image: Paul Crofts/Against The Grain)

With more than 50 years of experience between them in professional and amateur theatre as actors, directors and writers, they have drawn on their experience and those of others to write the play which tells the story of actors Dominic and Percival who meet an audition.

Twenty years later having become close friends, they share a dressing room when appearing in an 'innovative' production of Hamlet, swapping anecdotes with older colleagues and complaining about younger ones, but still waiting for their big break. 

Inflated egos, professional jealousy and backstage gossip, love affairs and first night nerves all feature throughout the course of the show. With an eight person cast, Curtains is by turns hilarious and poignant, with characters who are immediate, relatable, funny and genuine.

Director Marian Newman said: “Drawing on their 21+ years of experience working together in local theatre, Stuart and Mark have created a touching and funny play which reveals a great deal about the intrigue that goes on backstage, which is often a mystery to many audiences.

“The play explores all sorts of relationships, great friendships amongst actors and others not so amicable, and shows us hilarious 'faux pas' which are often all part of putting on a play. If you thought it was all glamour, think again, the play shows many of the hopes, dreams, aspirations and disappointments which are all part of an actor's life.

“It's proved to be an interesting experience directing a play which draws on the fascinating world of theatre and working with actors who will be familiar faces to Against The Grain's audiences as well as some newcomers to the company who bring their own experiences to their characters in the play.”

She added: “We are looking forward to introducting our audience to Stuart and Mark's brand new play in what is a new venue for us at St Mary's Creative Space.”

Full details can be found at: www.ticketsource.co.uk/against-the-grain where tickets can be booked online.