TEACHERS at a Chester school will take further strike action next week in an ongoing dispute around pensions and pay.

Members of the NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union at Abbey Gate College in Chester plan to strike on Monday (July 8) and Wednesday (July 10) over attempts, they say, to make teachers choose between their pension or their pay.

Teachers have taken six days of strike action in the ongoing dispute and accuse their employers of refusing to negotiate over plans to remove staff from the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS).

The board of governors for the private school dispute this, saying that they are in the final stages of consultation to enrol staff in “alternative, appropriately funded pension arrangements”.

But those wishing to remain in the TPS “consequently commit to a further salary contribution”.

They say that the increase in the cost of TPS, which are not funded by the government as they would be in state schools, are “creating significant pressure across the sector.”

Bryan McConnell, NASUWT National Executive Member for Chester, said:

“We do not accept the employers’ claim that it is beyond their means to maintain teachers in the TPS.

“They need to end their intransigent attitude, show staff some respect and agree to work with us to find a way forward which is not predicated on attacking the terms and conditions of hard-working teachers.”

In a statement, Abbey Gate College said: “The issue over the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS), as previously reported, has arisen following the Government’s announcement of an additional 21% increase in the cost to all schools of TPS, following a 43% rise in costs in 2019. Unlike State schools, these very large increases are not funded by the Government for independent schools and are creating significant pressure across the sector.

“As of 1st May 2024, 369 independent schools have left TPS and 195 are in phased withdrawal (the scheme is closed to new members of staff joining those schools).

“Abbey Gate College Governors commenced consultation last October for the school to enrol staff in alternative, appropriately funded pension arrangements, including an option to remain in the TPS. We are now in the final stage of the individual part of the consultation process and the majority of our teaching staff have accepted the new terms and conditions proposed.

“All teaching staff at Abbey Gate College are receiving a salary increase of 3.5% during the next academic year. Where any staff have made the decision to remain in TPS, they consequently commit to a further salary contribution, to offset the increased cost of this more expensive scheme.

“The Governors remain grateful to the school’s team of dedicated teaching staff, who continue to provide an outstanding educational experience and nurturing environment for all children attending Abbey Gate College.”

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary said: “The length of this dispute highlights that our members are serious about protecting their pension rights against the threat of cuts from their employer.

“Teachers want to be in their classrooms working with their students, not stood on a picket line. The employer can prevent any further disruption to students’ learning by agreeing to withdraw these proposals and work with us so that further strike action can be avoided.”

In addition to next week's strikes, a further five days are scheduled for September.