A WOMAN caught shoplifting in Wrexham went on to bite a member of staff who detained her.

Denisa Constantin, aged 21 and of Beaver Close in Chester, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday alongside 22-year-old Alimonata Dragusin, of Echo Close in Chester.

Both defendants admitted one offence of theft from shop, with Dragusin admitting a further offence of assault.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on June 22 this year, the defendants entered B&M Bargains at Central Retail Park in Wrexham.

They concealed items in bags and then left without paying.

A member of store staff, Adam Mulvaney, pursued them and managed to grab Dragusin's arm before restraining her on the ground.

She was "actively" struggling to get away, and bit his hand as part of her efforts.

Dragusin claimed to have been injured in the incident, offering to show the court photos of grazes.

Mr Espie said: "The defendant may well have received a number of grazes but I'd advance the victim's conduct was proportionate - he was entitled to detain and restrain the defendant."

Ceri Lewis, defending both women, said: "These two young ladies have both fully admitted their involvement in interview."

Ms Lewis said both defendants acknowledged the theft had been foolish, and both apologised for it.

As for Dragusin, she continued: "She accepts she did bite the guard in an attempt to get him off.

"He was hurting her and she felt she couldn't get him off any other way.

"I've seen the photos and there was substantial grazing of her elbows.

"They are both lightly convicted and haven't been before the court for two years."

District Judge Gwyn Jones said: "You both travelled to the Wrexham area, targeting B&M in the hope you would be able to obtain goods.

"Whatever the size of the stores in question, they can no longer cope with the amount of thefts going on.

"It is clear their viability is put in jeopardy and the jobs of employees is placed in jeopardy."

Constantin received a four week custodial sentence, suspended for a year.

She must pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

Dragusin was handed a 20 week custodial sentence, suspended for 20 weeks.

She must pay £300 compensation to Mr Mulvaney, as well as £85 costs.

"Mr Mulvaney was merely doing his job," the Judge said, before imposing a three year restraining order to protect him.

The restraining order also prohibits Dragusin from entering any B&M store in England and Wales.