A COMMUNITY group in Blacon, Chester is urging residents to participate in a vital survey which will shape the development of the area’s Neighbourhood Plan.

The Blacon Neighbourhood Alliance Neighbourhood Forum, which has been designated by Cheshire West & Chester Council (CWaC) to produce the Blacon Neighbourhood Plan, is urging people in the area to engage with the survey.

Volunteers from the Blacon Neighbourhood Plan working group have produced the document, which will be live and available to fill out until Wednesday, July 31.

The Neighbourhood Plan will go on to decide the extent, type, location and design of future developments in Blacon, while protecting areas of importance.

If adopted through a local referendum, it will be used by Cheshire West & Chester Council to make planning decisions in Blacon, alongside the Borough-wide Local Plan and National Planning Policy.

The Blacon Neighbourhood Alliance Neighbourhood Forum say that the Neighbourhood Plan’s goal will be to:

  • Protect and enhance green spaces, ensuring they are preserved for community enjoyment by designating them as Local Green Space.
  • Encourage continued investment in The Parade and Western Avenue shops to support local shopping needs.
  • Safeguard existing community buildings, such as schools, churches and sports facilities, from being repurposed.
  • Help get planning permission for a new community hub/centre and indoor sports facility through community-led planning mechanisms.

Laura Smith, secretary of the Blacon Neighbourhood Alliance Neighbourhood Forum, said: “This is your chance to directly influence planning decisions that affect our community. We need as many residents as possible to participate in the survey to ensure the Blacon Neighbourhood Plan accurately reflects the community's needs and priorities.”

John Heselwood, Deputy Chief Executive of experienced local charity Cheshire Community Action, said: “This survey is being conducted independently by Cheshire Community Action and funded by a government grant. Your confidential feedback will directly impact future planning decisions, so we’re asking Blacon residents to take a few minutes to complete the survey and help shape the future of Blacon.”

The closing date to submit the survey is Wednesday 31 July. For more information and to access the survey, visit www.surveymonkey.com/r/BlaconSurvey or email blaconneighbourhoodplan@gmail.com.