Cheshire College has signed the Association of Colleges' Mental Health Charter, vowing to champion mental health and wellbeing for students and staff alike.

The principal and chair of governors at the College signed the deal together showing a united front in their commitment to mental healthy practices.

According to mental health charity Mind, one in four people in England are likely to experience a mental health problem each year, while one in six people report a common mental health problem, such as anxiety or depression, in any given week.

Principal and CEO, Jasbir Dhesi OBE, said: "Our purpose has always been to nurture talent and empower people to achieve their full potential; and people can only thrive if their mental health is fully supported and cared for.

"This Charter resonates with our values, especially with our pledge to listen, help and care.

"We have every confidence that this will make a meaningful difference to all students and staff."

 Principal and CEO Jasbir Dhesi OBE signing the charter. Behind him (left to right) Deputy Principal Helen Nellist, Oma Nkemdirim, Tanisha Hossain, Logan Rafferty, Alexander Kertolli, and Assistant Principal for Learner Services Nimisha Mistry-Miah  (Image: Cheshire College)

On July 12, the college will host their annual Wellbeing Day where staff can participate in activities that could benefit their mental health.

Rather than dictate what these activities should be, the college has suggested that staff do whatever will best benefit their mental health, from catching up with friends to visiting a spa or spending a day in Wales.

Cheshire College staff member Nick Hayward plans to run between all three College campuses to raise money for Cancer Research UK.