A DRINK-driver found sleeping with a knife in her car has been spared jail.

Nicola Parry, of Mare Hey Lane in Ewloe, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court for sentence on Thursday.

The 54-year-old had previously admitted offences of driving whilst over the alcohol limit and possession of a knife.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on May 25 this year, Parry was seen by security officers at Broughton Retail Park.

She was asleep with an empty bottle in her vehicle.

Mr Espie said Parry had driven to the location and had not parked straight or within the white lines.

The security officers eventually managed to wake her and when she opened the door, they took her keys.

She admitted to them that she's been drink driving and pleaded with them to let her go.

When the police arrived at the scene, it was discovered that she had a knife in the vehicle too.

She provided a reading of 47 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the limit being 35.

Gary Harvey, defending, told the court a detailed pre-sentence report had been prepared by probation officers on his client's behalf.

"I think there is a realistic conclusion for sentence," he said.

"As you can see, she is a hard working lady who has been through an awful lot in her life and had issues with alcohol.

"She still has employment."

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "I've had the opportunity of reading a very detailed report by the probation team which puts the offence in context.

"My starting point must be immediate custody."

However, with the mitigating factors, the Judge concluded there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation in Parry's case.

The defendant received a total custodial sentence of 16 weeks - but it was suspended for 12 months.

She must undertake 20 days of rehabilitation activity and 120 hours of unpaid work.

Parry must also pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

The Judge imposed a driving ban of 36 months.