BUSINESSES are being invited to discuss their future growth and investment needs with the Council as it looks to assemble its new Local Plan.

The Council is undertaking an Economic Needs Assessment to understand future employment needs in the borough, which will provide evidence for the Local Plan and other local economic development strategies/projects. The Council is seeking views from businesses across all sectors and sizes on issues such as demand for land or premises.

Local businesses are encouraged to participate in an online survey, which runs from July 12 until August 9. 

Results from the survey will help to inform the new Local Plan, which is anticipated to cover the period from 2025-2045.

A Local Plan shapes how land is used and how places will change and develop in the future. It also ensures that future development takes place using a planned approach across the Borough and takes into account the needs of local people in terms of housing and infrastructure.

The Plan is informed using the Council’s ambitions for sustainability, net zero targets, inclusive economic growth and to meet housing need.

Cllr Christine Warner, Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities, said:

“A Local Plan is crucial for the Borough, as it provides a framework for future development and means that any new building and infrastructure meets the needs of our current and future residents and businesses. The Council’s Local Plan will encourage economic growth and identify land for future business and investment. The responses of local businesses to this survey are important to us so that we can plan for suitable and sustainable employment land and premises in the future.”

Cllr Nathan Pardoe, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Regeneration and Digital Transformation, said:

“Businesses are crucial to the growth and prosperity of our Borough’s economy, and understanding their needs is very important to us as we move towards developing a new Local Plan. The online business survey is a method of gathering evidence on our local property market and understanding the needs of our businesses, which in turn will help to shape the Local Plan. We want to hear from any business in Cheshire West and Chester, big or small, that rents or owns their business premises.”

To complete a survey, visit:

Business Land and Premises Survey | Cheshire West and Chester Council

The project is funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Year 3 Supporting Local Business theme:

UK Shared Prosperity Fund Business Support Programme (

More information on the current Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies and the Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies, which the Council adopted in 2015 and 2019, is available on the Council website:

Local Plan | Cheshire West and Chester Council