A WELLBEING charity near Chester has received a funding boost courtesy of Cheshire Freemasons.

The Kelsall Wellbeing Hub is a community-funded charity dedicated to improving the lives of residents in Kelsall and surrounding parishes, with a focus on addressing loneliness and other social issues which may lead to physical and mental illness if left unaddressed.

The charity has been given a major boost with the award of £5,000 from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire.

Senior Cheshire Freemason, Chris Renshaw, attended the venue on Green Hill Road to present the group with the donation and meet some of those whose lives have been improved by the charity’s work.

- Time for some Bingo - Members at the Kelsall Wellbeing Hub having fun.- Time for some Bingo - Members at the Kelsall Wellbeing Hub having fun. (Image: Cheshire Freemasons)

The Hub provides a range of sessions throughout the month ranging from exercise classes and yoga to social groups involving bingo and knitting. There are also regular support groups for finding employment and dealing with issues such as suicide bereavement.

Chris said: “I had heard so much about the great work carried out at the Hub, but its only when you step through the doors you actually realise how welcoming the venue is, enabling people of all ages to connect, participate in activities, and above all, take time out to focus on their own wellbeing.”

Caroline Stein, a trustee of the charity, showed Chris around and introduced him to some of the Hub’s attendees.

Caroline said: “We shouldn’t underestimate the importance of community-focused initiatives, enabling people to stay healthy, both physically and mentally – it’s so important. We are excited about providing a place that prioritises the health and well-being of our community and its only through such generous donations that we are able to provide the many services that we know are valued by the local community.”

More information about the Kelsall Wellbeing Hub is available at: https://www.kelsallwellbeinghub.org.uk/.