A large emergency presence at the River Dee in Chester helped educate businesses and visitors on how to stay safe this summer.

Firefighters and partners from the RNLI, Cheshire West and Chester community wardens, Cheshire Police, patrol boat officers, plus more, along with local businesses all worked together as part of the day to launch a pilot Water Responder Scheme in The Groves area of Chester.

The rescue at the River Dee, with a community safety warden demonstrating how to throw the rope accurately.

The 'rescue' at the River Dee, with a community safety warden demonstrating how to throw the rope accurately.

Several businesses havd signed up to the scheme, which sees firefighters providing staff with free training on how to use a throw line, a water rescue buoyancy aid.

Once the training is completed, the RNLI will give each business its own free buoyancy aid to keep in case of an emergency.

Haing a go at throwing the lifesaving rope at the target.

Haing a go at throwing the lifesaving rope at the target.

As part of World Drowning Prevention Day on Thursday, July 25, the fire and rescue boat and crew demonstrated rescues from the water to spectators.

Crews also showed how to safely rescue people from a water-related situation.

Firefighters get the briefing for the day.

Firefighters get the briefing for the day.

Firefighters also demonstrated how to use a defibrillator to save a life and gave CPR demonstrations.

The initiative is necessary as figures show 236 people accidentally drowned in the UK in 2023. Of those, half did not intend to enter the water.

CPR techniques are demonstrated.

CPR techniques are demonstrated.

Figures also show that June, July and August are historically the most common months for accidental drownings.

Councillor Christine Warner, cabinet member for homes, planning and safer communities, said: "I’m delighted that these multi-agency events involving a wide range of partners are going to help raise awareness of water safety.

The casualty in the River Dee.

The 'casualty' in the River Dee.

"Whether you are going on a seaside summer holiday, planning trips out to enjoy the countryside, or your children will be out playing with their friends locally, everyone needs to know how to keep themselves safe in and around the water.

"Please come along to one of our events to find tips on how to keep you and your loved ones safe. Safety equipment demonstrations are planned at the events, so you can learn first-hand what to do in an emergency.

Visitors learn about lifesaving techniques at the riverside.

Visitors learn about lifesaving techniques at the riverside.

"I hope sunshine arrives for us all and everyone enjoys a safe and enjoyable summer."

Station manager Ryan Swindells, the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service lead for water safety, said: "We are committed to doing all we can to keep people safe around water and would urge as many people as possible to attend one of the water safety events.

Cheshire Fire and rescue Services Steven Benbow with the pledge to Go Blue for World Drowning Prevention Day.

Cheshire Fire and rescue Service's Steven Benbow with the pledge to 'Go Blue for World Drowning Prevention Day'.

"The Water Responder scheme is one of several initiatives we are working on with partners across the county to achieve our aim."

Another event will take place at The Groves on August 9 from 10am-3pm.

The River Patrol.

The River Patrol.

Landmarks in Chester were also lit up blue on Thursday night, including the Eastgate Clock, Chester Town Hall and Newgate Bridge.

Landmarks including the Eastgate Clock lit up blue to mark World Drowning Prevention Day.

Landmarks including the Eastgate Clock lit up blue to mark World Drowning Prevention Day.