A Chester paedophile faces a lengthy custodial term after breaching their sexual harm prevention order.

Chloee-Mae Danvers, 25, of Housman Close, pleaded guilty to all charges at Chester Crown Court on Tuesday, August 13.

The court heard a number of the offences happened while the defendant was already facing sentence for other crimes.

Danvers admitted attempting to breach the Sexual Harm Prevention Order by making unsupervised contact with a child aged under 18. The defendant, between July 31 and August 5, intentionally attempted to engage in sexual communication with a child suspected to be nine years old.

The defendant – appearing via videolink – admitted distributing an indecent image of a child on August 1. The image was assessed as category A - the most serious kind of indecent image.

The defendant also pleaded guilty to making a category A indecent image and two category B indecent images of children between July 30 and August 5.

Danvers admitted failing to comply with the notification requirements of the sex offenders register twice, by using two different aliases on social media sites without registering those usernames with police.

All the offences happened after Danvers had already appeared in Chester Magistrates Court last month for breaching the SHPO by deleting internet history and making indecent images. Danvers admitted the breach and making one category A and one category B indecent image.

The court heard a pre-sentence report would be required for Danvers.

Recorder Eric Lamb told Danvers: "You know that a substantial custodial sentence is inevitable."

Danvers was remanded in custody and will appear back at Chester Crown Court, via videolink, for sentence on September 25.