A Chester schoolboy has been named as the winner of a colouring competition with a green message.

This year's Green Expo held a contest for youngsters to get creative by drawing and colouring a view of an exciting, greener, healthier world.

And the winner is Charlie Cousen, aged five, from Christleton Primary School. His picture was selected by the judges because of his sun and beautiful blue sky, dragonfly, tree and figure picking up a discarded coat hanger. He wins a family ticket generously donated by Chester Zoo.

As well as the drawing, children were asked ‘How can you help the World?’ to which Charlie answered ‘Pick up litter’.

Charlie Cousens entry.

Charlie Cousen's entry.

Other entries revealed the top suggestion as ‘planting trees’ with litter and ‘recycle/reuse’ mentioned as close second and third.

Charlie's mum, Sarah Cousens, said: "Charlie was absolutely thrilled to receive his certificate and tickets for Chester Zoo.

"He's got a real love for nature and for drawing – so this was the dream competition for him!

"He wrote to Santa at Christmas asking for a litter picker; which he uses all the time on walks around our village. So I wasn't surprised when he chose to draw litter picking. It's also an activity the children are encouraged to do at lunchtime at his primary school.”

She added: "Earlier in the year Charlie and his big sister wrote to Sir David Attenborough and Charlie drew him a picture telling Sir David that he wanted to be a jungle explorer when he grows up.

"We were over the moon when a reply came through the letterbox a few days later from the man himself.”

Commenting on the activities as part of Chester Green Weekend in Grosvenor Park, she said; "Chester Green Weekend was such a fantastic event for the whole family. We look forward to going back next year."

Jane Harrad-Roberts, project director of Green Expo UK said; “We have been delighted by the enthusiasm and creativity of all the entrants to the competition.

"The judges and organisers are amazed at the knowledge shown by the children on green issues and their suggestions for what they can do to help. Thank you to everyone who entered and helped judge, we will hopefully run the competition again next year.”