A CENTENARIAN celebrated her birthday with friends and close family at a retirement village in Chester.

Bunty Coates has been a tenant at MHA Callin Court for six years and celebrated her landmark birthday this week.

She is the first person in her family to reach three figures and received a telegram from King Charles.

A party was arranged for Bunty, which was attended by other tenants and her two daughters Gillian and Hilary as well as her son in law Neil, and she was treated to cake and gifts.

(Image: MHA)

Speaking after the party Hillary said: “My mum was very happy and had a great time celebrating her birthday.

“Gillian came from Canada to celebrate my mums birthday so the day after the party, we had another celebration at my house with our family.

“She received some flowers from MHA, which we all really appreciated.

“I bought is some homemade cakes which were enjoyed by all.

“My mum's grandson is a regional manager for Royal Mail and he personally delivered the telegram which was a nice touch.

“She had a lovely time and was overwhelmed with the cards from staff and other tenants.”

MHA Callin Court has 44 apartments including 22 one-bedroom, five two-bedroom, eight large one-bedroom (single occupancy) and nine large one-bedroom (double occupancy) creating a diverse and vibrant community of residents aged 55 and over.