Molly Adams, a rising star at an expanding local accountancy firm, is leading the search for new apprentices as her firm continues to grow.

Coxeys, which currently employs nearly 40 people at its offices in Wrexham, Saltney and Chester, has embarked on a hiring spree after acquiring new clients.

Ms Adams, 20, a trainee at the firm recently achieved 92 per cent in her latest exam.

Ms Adams said: "In my mid-teens, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do.

"I had vague ideas about becoming a marine biologist, but I quickly gave up on that.

"Eventually I realised that I liked working with figures and the prospect of a career in accountancy really appealed to me."

She praised the training, real-life experience and supportive office culture at Coxeys.

Ms Adams recently registered to study for her Level Four certificate with the Association of Accounting Technicians, after achieving her Levels Two and Three with an outstanding 92 per cent score in Level Three exam.

She said: "I needed more than 70 per cent to pass but I never expected to come out with such a high score.

"It is a real confidence booster."

Coxey’s director Joanne Evans said: "Molly has a natural affinity with all things accountancy related."

She also added: "We are all so proud of her, she’s a real ray of sunshine, a great personality to have around the office, everyone loves her."

The newest apprentice recruit, Freddie Burrows, 18, joined the company 10 months ago after leaving school in Llangollen.

He said: "They say experience is key to learning any skill and the fact that we are learning on the job means that we are gathering a wealth of real life experience."

Another young recruit, Abi Hollins, 24, has completed all her qualifications at the Association of Accounting Technicians and is now studying at the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants level.

She highly rates the training and supportive environment at Coxeys.

Chester-based trainee Jared Swart, 28, with a first-class degree in finance and accounting, values the practical experience at Coxey's.

Ms Evans added: "We have an excellent record when it comes to apprenticeships and we are determined to maintain our reputation for quality training well into the future.

"That’s why we are now recruiting, searching for new young talent to join our ranks during what is an exciting period of ongoing growth for the company."