A BULLY told a woman ‘I will do 17 years for you’ after strangling her and threatening to kill her.

Kevin Lowrie’s victim began saying goodbye to her children in her head as she thought she was going to die while his hands were wrapped around her throat.

The victim was left with ‘blood red eyes’ after the incident, with a nurse at Warrington Hospital saying she had ‘never seen anything like it before’.

Lowrie, who has previously been jailed for offences against the same woman, appeared before Chester Crown Court on Thursday for sentencing.

Prosecuting, Peter Hussey said the defendant has pleaded guilty to intentional strangulation and threats to kill following an incident in July of this year.

Mr Hussey said dating back before the offence, Lowrie, 40, and the victim had been in a relationship for around four years but in June 2021 it ended after he had strangled her.

Lowrie was jailed for this, and a restraining order was made forbidding him to see his former partner.

But following his release from prison last year, he made contact with the woman and she agreed to have the restraining order lifted. The pair then got back together.

At around 2am on July 18, the couple were at the woman’s home address in Warrington.

Mr Hussey said that Lowrie picked up her phone and started going through her messages.

He accused her of cheating on him, to which she denied, but he became angry.

Chester Crown Court heard how Lowrie, of Halton Lodge Avenue, Runcorn, grabbed her by her throat and dragged her around the room by her hair.

He then pushed her onto the bed where he put his full bodyweight on her and began strangling her.

Mr Hussey said the victim recalled his hands being wrapped around her throat for ‘a few minutes’ and that she was struggling to breath and was fearing for her life.

She managed to get away, but Lowrie’s aggression did not end and he continued to accuse her of cheating.

He grabbed her and pushed her up against the wardrobe where he started to strangle her again.

While this happened, he was saying things such as ‘you do this to me, you make me mad, it is all of your fault’.

The victim then tried to get away but he attacked her for a third time.

She fell to the floor and he sat on top of her, strangling her for several minutes while saying ‘I will do 17 years for you, you b****’.

Mr Hussey said how the woman later told officers that she felt her head was going to explode and that she started to say goodbye to her kids in her head as she thought she was going to die.

The victim then managed to get up and stand by the window. Lowrie told her that if she screamed or the phoned the police, he would stab her and her dogs.

He told her he had a knife.

When Lowrie eventually left, the woman phoned her friend who then attended A&E with her at around 4.30am.

She had injuries to her face and neck including fingerprints and handprints and a chunk of her hair was missing.

The woman’s friend and a nurse described the woman’s eyes as being ‘bright red’ and ‘blood red’.

The nurse said she had never 'seen anything like it'.

She had to undergo a CT scan to ensure there were no brain injuries.

In a victim impact statement, the woman said she now feels like she will never be safe in a relationship.

She said how she could not swallow or talk properly in the days following the attack and that she now suffers from anxiety and panic attacks.

She is currently receiving ongoing treatment related to memory loss.

Lowrie has 20 previous convictions for 38 offences.

His barrister said: “Clearly this is something which cannot be said to be out of character for the defendant.

“He is now 40 years old and it is time to learn from the past.”

The court heard how Lowrie wants to leave relationships ‘behind him’ and focus on his rehabilitation.

Recorder Anthony O'Donohoe handed Lowrie three years and 10 months behind bars.