THIS week, I attended the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool. Annually in September and October, Parliament takes a recess so the party conferences can be held across the country.

Filled with speeches, policy announcements, fringe events, roundtables, and receptions, the Conference continued over five days.

I have attended many sessions of Conference over the years, as a delegate, a volunteer, a councillor, as the leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council and Member of Parliament.

It has been particularly special to attend this year as it’s the first conference since Labour’s victory at the General Election.

In the weeks leading up to conference, many constituents contacted me to ask me to visit various events, exhibition stands and to speak to charities and organisations important to them.

These including, Shelter, The British Heart foundation, Alzheimer’s Society, Diabetes UK and many more. It was also great to see Chester Zoo returning to their usual spot in the exhibition hall to promote their world leading work on conservation.

As every year, all eyes were on the key speeches from front bench Government politicians such as the Deputy Prime Minister, the Chancellor and the Prime Minister.

In the opening speech of conference, Angela Rayner, focused on the current housing crisis and the Government’s plans to fix it and newly confirmed devolution plans for regions across the country.

The Labour Government is taking a wave of bold action to not only build the housing our country needs and boost social and affordable housing, but to ensure all homes are decent, safe, and warm.

On devolution, the Deputy Prime Minister has recommitted her ambitions to harness the potential in our economy, handing power back and putting communities in control, so innovation and growth can bloom in every part of the country.

I will be working with colleagues to make sure our local area is not overlooked and that we get the best deal for our local area.

The Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, stressed that growth continues to be the Labour Government’s number one mission to create jobs that pay enough to raise a family, put real money in the pockets of working people and wealth in all our communities.

Every choice the Government makes will be within a framework of economic and fiscal stability and keeping the promise not to increase taxes on working people, which is why the Chancellor recommitted not to increase National Insurance, the basic, higher or additional rate of income tax, or VAT.

The Prime Minister gave an emphatic overview of what we have already achieved, including the launch of GB Energy, planning system reforms and the establishment of Great British Railways.

I was particularly pleased to hear the Prime Minister announce regulatory changes to ensure our veterans, young care leavers and victims of domestic abuse will have a guaranteed roof over their heads.

This had been one of the best conferences I’ve been to. With the highest attendance ever, it was great to hear such a positive case for change and a vision of hope.

The Labour Government is showing our best days are ahead.