A man who stole several spare wheels from Land Rover vehicles in Chester and Manchester has been ordered to pay thousands of pounds in compensation.

Darren Stokes, 27, of Castle Road, Castledawson, Northern Ireland, previously entered guilty pleas to the six thefts, plus a charge of going equipped for theft.

Tara Thomas, prosecuting, told Chester Magistrates Court on Tuesday, October 1 during Stokes' sentencing that three of the thefts took place in Chester on May 19, while the other three took place in Manchester.

For the May 19 offences, Stokes stole spare wheels in Chester valued at £1,500, £700 and £400.

For the May 26 offences, the wheels which Stokes stole were valued at £1,500, £1,102 and £600. Additionally, Stokes was found with a wheel wrench and a wheel nut socket.

While the spare wheels for the Manchester thefts were recovered, the ones from the Chester offending were not, so Stokes was ordered to pay compensation totalling £2,600 to the three victims.

He was also handed a 12-month community order, during which time he must carry out 200 hours unpaid work.

No orders were made for court costs or a victim surcharge as magistrates sought to prioritise the compensation payments.