THE family of a man who suffered a heart attack while holidaying in Cheshire has heaped praise on the community for helping to save his life.

Michael McCurdy and his family, who moved to the UK from New Zealand last Christmas, were two days into their narrowboat trip in Cheshire when the emergency occurred on Sunday, October 13.

Members of the public and staff from a nearby Tesco in Northwich rushed out to keep Michael, aged 57, alive until paramedics arrived to take over.

Now, as he recovers in hospital, wife of 25 years Pamela and children Brennan, Elliot and Scarlet, have issued a heartfelt thanks to everyone who stepped in to help.

Pamela, aged 53, said: “Everybody helped to resuscitate him.

"There were lots of people helping – they were just so great. They got the defibrillator, but without it he wouldn’t have survived.

"We were so lucky it happened where it happened. We just wanted to say a huge thank you to the community which stepped up and helped at just such a horrific time.

"Everyone was just wonderful and I cannot express how grateful we are. Without them, Michael wouldn’t have survived."

The family had stopped in the town and were resupplying at the Tesco store in Manchester Road before the afternoon took a turn for the worse.

After shopping, Pamela had taken an Uber to the boat with the children while Michael and dog Ozzy walked back.

Michael McCurdy and dog OzzyMichael McCurdy and dog Ozzy (Image: Pamela McCurdy) Shortly into his walk, Michael encountered a horse, which ran up to him and bowled him over, leaving him feeling unwell.

Making his way back towards Tesco, Michael rang Pamela, who in turn called 999 after running back to join him, concerned for his health.

At this point, Michael suffered a heart attack before members of the public and Tesco staff - Natasha, Val, and Vanessa - helped provide first aid.

One man also helped hold onto dog Ozzy, who became distressed as the incident unfolded.

Emergency services, including the air ambulance, attended the scene and took Michael to hospital.

Cheshire Police also helped Pamela find the children, who had left the boat and begun looking for their parents.

Pamela added: "The kids ended up coming back looking for us and the Tesco staff helped to look after them, giving them water and chocolates.

"The police were wonderful too, they were trying to help me find the kids as they weren’t back at the boat.

They took me back to the boat to find them, but they weren’t there as they’d come looking for us.

"They gave us a police escort to the hospital with the ambulance."

The North West Air Ambulance landed nearby to assist at the sceneThe North West Air Ambulance landed nearby to assist at the scene (Image: Lee Winterbottom/Guardian Camera Club)

Following the incident Michael was taken to the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital where, after spending a few days in an induced coma, he is now on the road to recovery.

Pamela said: "Every time we see him, he’s doing really well. He’s off all life support now and walking around a bit. He was able to eat on Friday.

"He’s made huge progress, way better than they expected because his heart stopped about four times. He had it pretty bad, but he’s a fighter."

Tesco staff member Natasha kindly offered to look after Ozzy while the family stop in Liverpool to be with Michael at hospital.

Pamela and the family, who now live in Ayrshire after their move to the UK, also praised Northwich-based holiday company Black Prince Holidays for their actions following the ordeal.

She said: "Thank you to Natasha, Val, Vanessa, and the staff of Tesco, and also Black Prince Holidays, which helped return the boat to base and have checked in every day to find out Michael's progress."

"They have been fantastic. They have said we can do the holiday again as it was only our second day. They’ve been lovely.

"It's so heartwarming to know these special people are out there making the world a better place."